Hi there, and welcome to Dwell.

My name is Andrew Boryga, and I’m a Bronx, New York born and raised writer who now lives in sunny Miami, Florida with his wife, two little kids, and cute dog.

Photo by David Gonzalez

I began my career as a journalist, writing for The New York Times at age 18, and went on to freelance for places like The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Paris Review, and many other outlets. Along the way I taught writing to elementary school students, college students, and male inmates.

About a year ago I left the daily journalism grind behind to focus on the novel I’ve been writing for a decade, and was fortunate enough to sell it!

It’s called VICTIM and you purchase it now wherever books are sold. It is a satire of the media, virtue signaling, and tear-jerking trauma plots, that asks what real diversity looks like and how far one man is willing to go to make his story gets all the clicks.

While going through the process of editing the book, and working with my publisher to get it ready for publication, I found myself reflecting a lot on my creative journey to get here. I started Dwell as a way to get down some of the insights I’ve collected and documented what this journey has been like, in the hopes that it might help and inspire other writers or creatives out there.

Some topics I’ve touched on so far include the importance of a consistent, daily writing habit, how having kids limited my time and made me a better writer, and why closure in writing is an elusive thing.

Subscribing is the best way to stay up to date on what comes next.

As of now, I’m not collecting any money for this venture, and have no plans to turn on a paid option anytime soon—though I do appreciate those who choose to pledge!

My only goals are to put out little reflective essays on the writing practice that are authentic, engaging, and, hopefully, helpful to others.

Thanks for reading. I hope you’ll consider sharing space in your inbox and coming along for the ride.

Subscribe to Dwell by Andrew Boryga

Reflections on writing, creativity, and the insights I’m learning on my journey toward the publication of my debut novel in March of 2024 and beyond.


Writer. My novel, VICTIM, a satire of virtue signaling and tear-jerking trauma plots that asks what real diversity looks like is now available wherever books are sold. Bronx raised, Miami living.